Saturday 30 April 2011

Peranan teknologi informasi dalam pendidikan tingkat menengah di Indonesia

Unesco dalam beberapa publikasi formalnya menegaskan betapa pentingnya keberadaan dan pemanfaatan
teknologi informasi di dalam lingkungan sistem pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Spektrum pemanfaatan yang
dimaksud terentang dari fungsi teknologi informasi sebagai alat bantu atau sarana belajar mengajar sampai
dengan fungsi teknologi informasi sebagai alat bantu penyelenggaraan atau manajemen pendidikan di sekolah.
Indonesia pun melihat peranan strategis ini dalam konteks peningkatan kinerja dan mutu pendidikan dasar dan
menengah agar dapat tercipta sumber daya manusia yang handal dan dapat berkompetisi di dunia global.
Artikel ini memperlihatkan bagaimana peranan strategis teknologi informasi dalam sistem pendidikan dasar dan
menengah di Indonesia yang dapat dipergunakan oleh siapa saja yang hendak melakukan penyusunan terhadap
cetak biru perencanaan dan pengembangan teknologi informasi dalam dunia pendidikan.
Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia
Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 (Bab II Pasal 3), fungsi dan
tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia adalah:
”Pendidikan nasional berfungsi mengembangkan
kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban
bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka
mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk
mengembangkan potensi peserta didik agar menjadi
manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan
Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu,
cakap, kreatif, mandiri dan menjadi warga negara
yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab”
Melalui definisi tersebut terlihat secara jelas
bagaimana konsep pembentukan ”menjadi manusia
Indonesia seutuhnya” yang kerap didengungdengungkan
di kalangan masyarakat. Hal tersebut
berarti bahwa lembaga pendidikan formal –
termasuk di dalamnya pendidikan dasar dan
menengah – harus memiliki kemampuan dalam
menyelenggarakan kegiatan belajar mengajar demi
terciptanya manusia Indonesia seperti yang dicitacitakan
Indeks Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia yang
sedemikian rendah mengisyaratkan perlu
dilakukannya sejumlah terobosan-terobosan
terhadap tata cara penyelenggaran pendidikan di era
globalisasi dimana di dalamnya mengandung
sejumlah unsur-unsur baru yang berlawanan dengan
sejumlah paradigma lama yang masih kerap dipakai.
Dalam kaitan ini terlihat seberapa jauh peranan
strategis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di
dalam proses penyelenggaraan pendidikan dasar dan
menengah demi terciptanya akselerasi penciptaan
sumber daya manusia berkualitas dengan kuantitas
yang memadai.
Bangunan Arsitektur Pendidikan Dasar dan
Menengah di Indonesia
Sistem pendidikan di tanah air dapat digambarkan
secara ringkas dalam sebuah arsitektur sebagai
• Visi, Misi, dan Tujuan Sistem Pendidikan
Dasar dan Menengah dibangun berdasarkan
cita-cita bangsa yang dilandasi dengan nilainilai
budaya dan filosofi pendidikan yang
dianut (dengan mempertimbangkan faktor
eksternal ipoleksosbudhankam);
• Kunci keberhasilan pemenuhan visi dan misi
tersebut terletak pada 4 (empat) pilar utama
pendidikan, masing-masing adalah: Konten
dan Kurikulum, Proses Belajar Mengajar,
Fasilitas dan Sarana Prasarana, serta Sumber
Daya Manusia;
• Untuk dapat menyelenggarakan sistem
pendidikan tersebut, dikembangkanlah
infrastruktur dan suprastruktur pendidikan
yang menjadi landasan bagi lembaga
pendidikan formal tingkat dasar dan
menengah dalam menyelenggarakan
manajemen dan administrasi lembaga
Paradigma Baru Sistem Pendidikan
Telah disadari bahwa untuk menjawab kebutuhan
dan tantangan dunia global saat ini, paling tidak
terdapat dua aspek dalam sistem pendidikan yang
harus berubah sesuai dengan paradigma baru yang
Pertama adalah dalam hal metode pembelajaran,
yang jika dahulu bersumber pada guru dan
berlangsung satu arah, saat ini harus dilakuan
berorientasi pada siswa dan berjalan secara multi
Kedua adalah dalam hal manajemen institusi
pendidikan. Ketika dahulu sebuah sekolah hanya
bergerak dan beroperasi sendiri (mandiri), maka
dalam konteks pembelajaran dewasa ini, setiap
sekolah harus membentuk sebuah jejaring antar
institusi pendidikan untuk dapat saling tukar
menukar pengetahuan dan sumber daya.
Kedua paradigma baru ini tentu saja akan berakibat
pada berubahnya peranan sebuah lembaga
pendidikan di tanah air. Melalui konteks inilah kelak
akan jelas terlihat fungsi dan peranan dari teknologi
informasi dan komunikasi.
Implementasi Paradigma Baru dalam Sistem
Dengan berpegang pada komitmen prubahan
paradigma baru tersebut, maka penekanan yang
harus dilakukan terhadap sistem pendidikan di
Indonesia adalah sebagai berikut:
• Sistem pendidikan harus diimplementasikan
dengan berpegang pada prinsip “muatan
lokal, orientasi global”.
• Konten dan kurikulum yang dibuat haruslah
berbasis pada penciptaan kompetensi siswa
(kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik).
• Proses belajar mengajar haruslah berorientasi
pada pemecahan masalah riil dalam
kehidupan, tidak sekedar mengawangngawang
(Problem-Based Learning).
• Fasilitas sarana dan prasarana haruslah
berbasis teknologi informasi agar dapat
tercipta jejaring pendidikan antar sekolah dan
lembaga lainnya.
• Sumber daya manusia yang terlibat di dalam
proses pendidikan haruslah individu dengan
kemampuan multi-dimensi karena yang
bersangkutan harus dapat merangsang multiintelejensia
dari peserta didik.
• Manajemen pendidikan haruslah berbasis
sekolah dengan implementasi sistem
informasi terpadu sebagai tulang punggung
proses-proses administratif maupun strategis.
• Infrastruktur dan suprastruktur pendidikan
akan sangat dipengaruhi dengan strategi
otonomi daerah yang diterapkan secara
Tujuh Peranan Strategis Teknologi Informasi
Dalam konteks inilah maka terlihat paling tidak
terdapat 7 (tujuh) peranan strategis teknologi
informasi bagi dunia pendidikan dasar dan
menengah seperti yang dijelaskan berikut.
T.I. sebagai Gudang Ilmu Pengetahuan
Kurikulum yang disusun dan dikembangkan
haruslah memperhatikan kemajuan ilmu
pengetahuan terkini. Disamping itu, konten yang
berkualitas dan terbaru harus pula dihadirkan dalam
setiap mata ajar yang diselenggarakan. Dengan
memanfaatkan teknologi informasi – khususnya
internet – setiap guru akan dapat dengan mudah
menjelajah dan mengakses berbagai gudang ilmu
pengetahuan di seluruh dunia untuk mendapatkan
konten terbaik yang diinginkan.
T.I. sebagai Alat Bantu Pembelajaran
Kurikulum berbasis kompetensi menuntut adanya
kreativitas guru sebagai fasilitator dalam memilih
pendekatan belajar mengajar yang efektif. Konsep
pembelajaran secara interaktif perlu ditunjang
dengan alat bantu atau media pembelajaran yang
memadai. Kemajuan teknologi informasi telah
menciptakan sejumlah produk yang mampu
berfungsi sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran yang
dapat menjawab tantangan ini. Misalnya adalah
perangkat multimedia untuk simulasi, aplikasi untuk
belajar mandiri, buku elektronik untuk siswa, dan
lain sebagainya.
T.I. sebagai Fasilitas Pendidikan
Sebuah institusi pendidikan yang baik pastilah
membutuhkan sejumlah fasilitas handal semacam
ruang kelas, laboratorium, perpusatakaan, dan lain
sebagainya. Dengan adanya teknologi informasi,
sebuah sekolah dasar dan/atau menengah akan
mendapatkan manfaat yang luar biasa karena dalam
waktu singkat yang bersangkutan dapat terkoneksi
secara cepat dan murah dengan e-library (electronic
library) yang terdapat di berbagai belahan dunia lain.
Demikian pula seorang guru dapat dengan mudah
mengakses laboratorium virtual dari beragam
sekolah di dunia melalui akses internet.
T.I. sebagai Standar Kompetensi
Keseluruhan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi di
atas hanyalah akan dapat terlaksana dengan baik
apabila para guru dan siswa sebagai peserta didik
memiliki kompetensi, keahlian, dan keterampilan
menggunakan teknologi tersebut. Oleh karena itulah
maka dikatakan mereka semua harus memiliki
standar kompetensi tertentu di bidang teknologi
informasi. Misalnya seorang guru harus mampu
mengoperasikan aplikasi pengolah kata, statistik,
analisa data, dokumen elektronik, dan lain
sebagainya. Sementara untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan
rumah, seorang siswa paling tidak mampu
mengoperasikan perangkat lunak presentasi dan
T.I. sebagai Penunjang Administrasi Pendidikan
Untuk mengelola sedemikian banyak siswa dan guru
secara efektif dibutuhkan sistem informasi terpadu
yang efektif. Sistem ini tidak hanya berfungsi
mengelola administrasi guru dan siswa saja, namun
lebih jauh untuk membantu berbagai proses dan
aktivitas belajar mengajar dari mulai pengaturan
kelas, pencatatan nilai, absensi siswa, materi
kurikulum, kegiatan ekstra kurikuler, sampai dengan
pencatatan dan rekam jejak alumni. Dengan
dicatatnya seluruh transaksi dan interaksi secara baik
(tertib administrasi) dengan menggunakan teknologi
informasi, maka guru akan dapat dengan mudah
mempelajari kekuatan dan kelemahan serta
kemajuan studi dari setiap siswa yang dimilikinya.
Tentu saja hal ini sangat bermanfaat bagi
perkembangan dunia pendidikan dasar dan
menengah yang bertugas menghasilkan siswa didik
handal dan berkualitas.
T.I. sebagai Alat Bantu Manajemen Sekolah
Manajemen sekolah memegang peranan sangat
penting dalam sebuah institusi pendidikan. Hal ini
disebabkan karena begitu banyak dan beraneka
ragamnya sumber daya pendidikan yang harus
dikelola seperti: uang, fasilitas, aset, siswa, guru,
pegawai, orang tua murid, dan lain sebagainya.
Seorang kepala sekolah beserta wakil dan deputinya
harus diperlengkapi dengan sebuah sistem informasi
yang dapat membantu mereka dalam mengambil
keputusan sehari-hari. Inilah peranan teknologi
informasi yang sangat strategis.
T.I. sebagai Infrastruktur Pendidikan
Infrastruktur adalah suatu hal fundamental yang
wajib dimiliki oleh sebuah entitas untuk dapat
berkembang. Dalam rangka membentuk sebuah
komunitas masyarakat berbasis informasi dan
pengetahuan yang baik, teknologi informasi harus
dianggap sebagai salah satu infrastruktur
pendidikan. Artinya adalah bahwa sekolah harus
mengalokasikan sejumlah sumber daya yang
dimiliki untuk diinvestasikan dalam membangun
kebutuhan wajib ini, terutama dalam hal
membangun: jaringan koneksi dengan internet,
perangkat komputer, aplikasi pendidikan, dan lain
Perlu diingat bahwa Indonesia telah menandatangani
komitmen dalam WSIS 2004 (World Summit on
Information Society) yang salah satu butir
kesepakatannya adalah suatu komitmen bahwa pada
tahun 2015, paling tidak 50% dari populasi
penduduk harus dapat memanfaatkan teknologi
informasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan.
Data dari APJII (Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa
Internet Indonesia) memperlihatkan bahwa hingga
saat ini, pihak yang paling banyak berperan dalam
pembentukan individu yang paham teknologi
informasi adalah lembaga pendidikan. Hal ini berarti
bahwa pada institusi pendidikanlah terletak nasib
berhasil tidaknya bangsa Indonesia dalam
menciptakan masyarakat berbasis informasi dan
pengetahuan seperti yang dicita-citakan bersama.
Tanpa adanya keterlibatan penggunaan teknologi
informasi pada lembaga pendidikan dasar dan
menengah, maka cita-cita tersebut hanyalah
merupakan khayalan dan isapan jempol belaka.
Referensi dan Daftar Pustaka
A. Jatmiko Wibowo, Fandy Tjiptono, “Pendidikan
Berbasis Kompetensi”, Penerbitan Universitas Atma
Jaya, Yogyakarta, 2002.
Drs. Martinus Yamin, MPd., “Strategi Pembelajaran
Berbasis Kompetensi”, Gaung Persada Press, Jakarta,
Dr. E. Mulyasa, MPd., “Implementasi Kurikulum 2004:
Panduan Pembelajaran KBK”, Remaja Rosdakarya,
Bandung, 2004.
Prof. Dr. H. Nanang Fattah, “Konsep Manajamen Berbasis
Sekolah & Dewan Sekolah”, Pustaka Bani Quraisy,
Bandung, 2003.
Prof. Dr. H. A. R. Tilaar, MScEd., “Manajemen
Pendidikan Nasional: Kajian Pendidikan Masa
Depan”, PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung, 2004.
Smart School Project Team, “The Smart School: An MSC
Flagship Application”, Government of Malaysia,
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun
Richardus Eko Indrajit, guru besar ilmu komputer ABFI Institute Perbanas, dilahirkan di Jakarta
pada tanggal 24 Januari 1969. Menyelesaikan studi program Sarjana Teknik Komputer dari Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya dengan predikat Cum Laude, sebelum akhirnya
menerima bea siswa dari Konsorsium Production Sharing Pertamina untuk melanjutkan studi di
Amerika Serikat, dimana yang bersangkutan berhasil mendapatkan gelar Master of Science di bidang
Applied Computer Science dari Harvard University (Massachusetts, USA) dengan fokus studi di
bidang artificial intelligence. Adapun gelar Doctor of Business Administration diperolehnya dari
University of the City of Manyla (Intramuros, Phillipines) dengan disertasi di bidang Manajemen
Sistem Informasi Rumah Sakit. Gelar akademis lain yang berhasil diraihnya adalah Master of Business
Administration dari Leicester University (Leicester City, UK), Master of Arts dari the London School
of Public Relations (Jakarta, Indonesia) dan Master of Philosophy dari Maastricht School of
Management (Maastricht, the Netherlands). Selain itu, aktif pula berpartisipasi dalam berbagai
program akademis maupun sertifikasi di sejumlah perguruan tinggi terkemuka dunia, seperti:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, Boston University, George
Washington University, Carnegie-Mellon University, Curtin University of Technology, Monash
University, Edith-Cowan University, dan Cambridge University. Saat ini menjabat sebagai Ketua
Umum Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer (APTIKOM) se-Indonesia dan
Chairman dari International Association of Software Architect (IASA) untuk Indonesian Chapter.
Selain di bidang akademik, karir profesionalnya sebagai konsultan sistem dan teknologi informasi
diawali dari Price Waterhouse Indonesia, yang diikuti dengan berperan aktif sebagai konsultan senior
maupun manajemen pada sejumlah perusahaan terkemuka di tanah air, antara lain: Renaissance
Indonesia, Prosys Bangun Nusantara, Plasmedia, the Prime Consulting, the Jakarta Consulting Group,
Soedarpo Informatika Group, dan IndoConsult Utama. Selama kurang lebih 15 tahun berkiprah di
sektor swasta, terlibat langsung dalam berbagai proyek di beragam industri, seperti: bank dan
keuangan, kesehatan, manufaktur, retail dan distribusi, transportasi, media, infrastruktur, pendidikan,
telekomunikasi, pariwisata, dan jasa-jasa lainnya. Sementara itu, aktif pula membantu pemerintah
dalam sejumlah penugasan. Dimulai dari penunjukan sebagai Widya Iswara Lembaga Ketahanan
Nasional (Lemhannas), yang diikuti dengan beeperan sebagai Staf Khusus Bidang Teknologi
Informasi Sekretaris Jendral Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK), Staf Khusus Balitbang Departemen
Komunikasi dan Informatika, Staf Khusus Bidang Teknologi Informasi Badan Narkotika Nasional,
dan Konsultan Ahli Direktorat Teknologi Informasi dan Unit Khusus Manajemen Informasi Bank
Indonesia. Saat ini ditunjuk oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia untuk menakhodai institusi pengawas
internet Indonesia ID-SIRTII (Indonesia Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure).
Seluruh pengalaman yang diperolehnya selama aktif mengajar sebagai akademisi, terlibat di dunia
swasta, dan menjalani tugas pemerintahan dituliskan dalam sejumlah publikasi. Hingga menjelang
akhir tahun 2008, telah lebih dari 25 buku hasil karyanya yang telah diterbitkan secara nasional dan
menjadi referensi berbagai institusi pendidikan, sektor swasta, dan badan pemerintahan di Indonesia –
diluar beragam artikel dan jurnal ilmiah yang telah ditulis untuk komunitas nasional, regional, dan

Friday 29 April 2011

the summary of romancing the stone

The Summary of Romancing The Stones
Someday, at the clinic there was Spanish boy – Emilio – that threatens Dr. Kate DeWilde by pointing a knife. He confused about himself, because he had been involved fight with other gang. And his arm filled with blood that it was wound him. Dr. Kate DeWilde tried to help him but he refused and still threatens her knife. They went to reception counter and Emilio still carries the knife behind her less than three feet from her. Kate said that Emilio must listen her and he snarled and said to her where she knows his name is. Kate knows it because several months ago he brought his grandmother to the clinic. When Emilio began out of so much blood, he gave the knife to the Kate and both of them know if there was something in the corner of the counter.
The stranger hit Emilio and let Kate went him but she can’t because she must treat him. If she went Emilio, he’d die and she didn’t want it. The stranger was on top of him, with Kate pulled at him an Emilio pummeled at him, too. They all stood there and breathing hard. Now, Kate had a chance to see him. He was Nick Santos. Nick checked him for more weapons in his shirt but nothing. Just a knife that he found and he kicked away that knife. Then, Nick wanted to call police but Kate didn’t want if it happens because of Emilio. She knew so much blood on Emilio arm and the blood was in Nick jacket. Nick said that was new jacket and angry with him because he care his jacket than Emilio’s life. Nick’s heart was touched by Kate’s saying and let them go to the examination room.
She looked after Emilio and when Emilio conscious she offered medicine to him but he refused. With little effort she could persuade him to get the medicine. When they went out from the examination room, they knew if Nick still waited for them in the corner of counter. Nick said to Emilio who stiffened that if he brought a knife again, Nick would catch him and sent to police. And after Emilio went home, Nick argued with Kate about their selves. Kate asked why Nick spied her and Nick wanted to ask her some questions. Nick spied her because of he hired by his father to do certain job for his family included spied Kate. Kate said to Nick if he wanted to ask Kate something, he must make appointment with her. After that incident, Kate felt so tired and she back to her apartment to take shower and to take a rest.
The bar off market was so crowded, noisy and dim. Nick had to stop it and he was in the doorway to let his eyes and ears to adjust. He was standing there and someone who was wearing six-inch heels came to him. She was a ladies night that offered Nick her body to enjoy all night but Nick knows it, so he refused tenderly. His destination went to the bar was to meet with his friend. She was Maxine Roybal and she was a detective second grade in San Francisco Police Department. Both of them are the cop in the past, but now they were a detective and spy. Max work in Police Department and Nick work as spy in DeWilde family. He must look for some jewels that stolen by one of DeWilde family.
In the bar they talked about many things of them in the past, when they still working as a cop. And Nick asked about her grandmother, but she was died a few years ago. Nick regret asked about it, because her grandmother was so friendly with him. When she still life, she like made him a fried egg and potatoes. Nick still remembers that every she made him it; he teased her in the kitchen. Max owes her life to her grandmother because she saved Max from many mistakes.
Nick told to Max about incident that happened last night in the clinic. He told to her that there was a young boy threatened the doctor by a knife. After that he took it away. And they talked so long at that bar and after that they went from the bar and went home.
When Kate left the clinic that night, her friend with her mentor, Dr. Sheila McIntyre, chief of surgeon at the exclusive San Francisco Golden Gate Hospital was waiting for Kate. Sheila went out from her car and talked to Kate. She cared about Kate, because she looked tired that night. Kate lied to her when Sheila asked about her that night. Sheila allowed her to go her home with her car. In the car Kate asked by Sheila with many questions and she wasn’t admitted.
Kate didn’t want argued with her about incident that night. But, finally Kate explained that entire incident to Sheila with little angry. She told it about young boy threatened her by a knife. Sheila concludes if that boy – Emilio – was dangerous for her. But Sheila didn’t know anything about Emilio. So, Kate angry with her because her comment about Emilio was like Nick Santos. And she asked to Kate that who he is. Kate explained to her if Nick was the investigator of Kate’s father that hired to look into some family business.
Kate went out from her car and walked to her apartment. Sheila stopped her and said sorry to Kate if she didn’t mean to make Kate angry. She just worried with Kate and Kate cried. So, Sheila accompanied her to go home. After that, Kate stood near her bedroom window and she was staring at the deserted street. She couldn’t’ sleep all night. Her mind jumbled thought about Emilio’s taut face, and the blood dripped on to the floor. And she saw Nick was making his flying tackle and she saw Sheila’s worried face.
The incident with Emilio had happened hours ago and she couldn’t get it out of her mind. She made a cup of tea to calm her nerves and she had swallowed some brandy.
Grace DeWilde opened her store in December and it made her to arrive at the store every morning before eight o’clock. Before she opened the store, she lived happily with her 2 sons and 1 daughter, they are Megan and Gabriel and Kate. After she divorced with his husband Jeffrey DeWilde she lives alone and then she opened the store. Before it she and her husband made the bridal stores succeed in International. They opened many branches in many big cities in the world.
And they stayed in flagship in London, raised their three children, the twins are Megan and Gabriel, and their youngest was Kate. A native of San Francisco, Grace had immediately made England her own and she loved the energy and excitement of London.
After the divorce, she opened the store. She helped by Rita and some employees. She was very happy because she could open it and decorated the groom with flowers. In addition, all the dressing rooms were luxuriously appointed, with rose-colored velvet settees. And she also opened café outside the store and gave two or three cups of tea in the balcony to enjoy the customers. She always updated the style of the gown every week and updated the mannequin’s attire every week. So, the customers would not feel bored.
Sighing with satisfaction, she slowly turned inspected the rest of the store. After straightening an imaginary wrinkle in the featured bridal gown, she turned and went to upstairs in her office. She’d been tired when she went home, and the work she hadn’t been able to clear away was still on her desk. She was just reaching for the stack when Jeffrey’s face suddenly came into her mind.
Since she’d awakened this morning, she’d been doing her best activity and not to think about him. It was very difficult to do. Divorced made her sad but in her heart, she still thought of him as her husband. Tears filled her eyes and she angry with herself. She tried not to cry, but in spite of her efforts, tears made it are away between her lashes and trickled down her cheek. With determination, she forced herself to sit up and reach for the pile of orders. Summoning the fierce concentration that had aided her in the past, she made herself go through the work, page by page, until at last that particular stack was done.
After that, the employees would come and she’d not feel alone again. And they worked as usual. Rita tried wearing the new gown and she wanted Grace gave her comment. Grace said that Rita was so beautiful with that gown. One of the employee said to Rita that she looked divine.
In the middle time of their work, one of Grace customer came and cried because the gown was ripped. She wanted the gown back to fine as the first. And Grace did it for her. After the employees went home, she had a guest. She was Marguerite Kauffman, friend of her daughter, Kate. She told Grace many stories about Dirk DeWilde. Grace surprised hears it, because he had stolen the jewels of DeWilde family. Grace asked more about Dirk without suspicious.
And Marguerite invites Grace to come in her party at Vignoble Winery. But Grace couldn’t come because she had an invitation in her friend marriage. Marguerite felt sad and Grace too, because Grace wanted to know about the luxurious of Vignoble Winery.
A few days later after the incident at the clinic, Kate met her mother for lunch. Before she arrived, she had decided that she wasn’t going to mention what happened to Emilio. So, when Grace asked her about her work, she responded with a smile. Her mother likes Sheila, because she worried about Kate’s welfare. And Grace asked about boyfriend that who would fill Kate heart. She answered still nothing time to think about it.
Kate just told her mother that the men in the hospital just her friends. And she told to her mother about Sheila, she was smart doctor and best friend. Grace asked by Kate about her business and she answered if the business running good. And suddenly Grace told about her ex-husband project. She said that Jeffrey hired detective from San Francisco to fix the problem of jewels that stolen by on of DeWilde family. His detective name was Nick Santos.
Of course, Kate knew him. He was detective who hit poor Emilio at the clinic a few days ago. Grace surprised what Kate say was. Then, Kate told about her threatening at the clinic by Emilio. Grace asked more about it and Kate answered angrily. She didn’t want argue with his mother about it.
Grace told that he met with Marguerite in her café last night. And told about Vignoble. And Kate directly answered if she knew that beautiful place. Grace also told if Marguerite worn a pin that very similar to on of the cat on the moon. It was very odd they said. They guessed about jewels theft by Dirk an emigrated to Australia. Then, Kate finished her lunch with her mother and Grace was very happy could lunch and told something about their family jewels. And they also guessed that Marguerite did know something about the missing jewels because she more about Dirk/Derrick, her husband.
Nick stopped his car outside the tall decorated iron gates of Vignoble Winery. He looked that house with irony because that place was a mansion. But, he could see it was impressive and he had to admit. This was like his travels in the world. He saw twin buildings of New York’s WTC, Eiffel Tower, and Buckingham Palace in England. The last was gambling casinos of Monte Carlo. He really loved her job as private investigator in rich family, DeWilde, because he could travels in the beautiful building in the world.
In outside, he was thinking how to approach Marguerite Kauffman, besides he was thinking of someone else, Kate. He couldn’t forget her in his mind and force her to go out from his mind. And he must do his job than thought her beautiful face.
After he passed the sign Nineteenth Street, took Highway 101 and turned onto Van Ness, he’d decided to apologize to a certain doctor named Kate.
In the clinic Kate was helping Rosalinda Sanchez out of the examination room and back into the reception area where Emilio was waiting, when she glanced toward the door and saw Nick. Kate asked Emilio to look after his abuela – Grandmother – and took the medicine if she feels bad or the medicine was running out. Kate also asked Rosalinda to back clinic again next week to check her health.
Kate saw Nick angrily and asked him what he doing was. Nick came to her to ask few questions. For the first Nick told her about the missing jewels of DeWilde. Then Kate asked him to call her first if he wanted to ask her. Nick didn’t want to bother her much, so invite her in a date tonight in café near with Kate apartment. And Kate agreed with it.
But for the first she refused him and looked for some excuses. With an effort Nick got her to date in café. Kate was going home and went to café. There was Nick that had waited her. Nick explained what he’d done a few days ago in the clinic. He explained if there was a punk killed in a second thought and Kate said if Nick was cynical to Emilio. Nick said the realistic about a punk gang. So, that’s way Nick afraid if there was accident went to Kate’s life. From this story we can conclude if Nick falling in love to Kate.
Also Nick explained to her about his job in the past, if he was a cop with Max. He told his life to Kate. And Nick also told that the punk how they use their bullet and he shot them. He said that if he shot the punk in San Francisco. Kate said if this was not her business. Nick said sorry to her and Kate didn’t want him to apologize again because it would make more difficult to dislike him. He was apologize again and said to her if he didn’t like talk about that time in his life. Kate knew he was being honest.
Nick told her partner in the cop, Maxine Roybal. She was good detective second grade in Police Department. Kate wasn’t sure what she felt, but maybe she felt a twinge of jealousy. Then she asked him about his telling about being shot. Nick said if there was nothing to tell more. Kate had suspected about Nick’s story, and she realized she was catching a glimpse of that private self now. That glimpse drew her to him, and she was suddenly shaken by how much she wanted to be with him. For a horrifying moment she almost asked him to come with her to her apartment. But at the last second, she held back.
Before she back to her apartment Nick asked when he could see her again. Kate answered that her schedule was complicated, but Kate invite him to go to her friend party in Vignoble on Saturday. She was too pleased he’d accepted her invitation to wonder about it.
Kate called her mother and told about what happened last night in the café near with her apartment. She told that he invited Nick to go to Erin’s party on Saturday. Her mother was surprised because before it Kate dislikes Nick very much. She explained to her if Nick wasn’t like what she imagined. Grace understood what Kate said to her.
After Grace called by her daughter, then she called by Marguerite. She explained to her about the missing jewels. Grace stayed kept her feeling about it. She was very curiosity about the missing jewels. Marguerite also told her about Dirk and Grace like this information about the jewels.
On Saturday, Nick and Kate went to Vignoble to come Erin’s party. Before it Nick went to Kate apartment. She allowed him to come in her apartment because they would go afternoon. She so nervous because as tough she wasn’t ever gone out with a man before. When he came to her apartment, she saw him and her heart began to pound with Nick’s coming. And she felt surprised and pleasure because Nick brought flower to her.
Nick followed her in the kitchen and said that Kate was very different. She said that she was beautiful today and Nick wondered if he would kiss her. She said to Nick why don’t try it and find out. So, slowly and tenderly Nick came to her face and kissed her so long. It most the wonderful sensation she had ever experienced. After that, she suddenly wanted Nick to go home and leave her, but when he leaves Kate called him back. She said that she need much more than friend and space.
They had gone to the Vignoble and they arrived and Nick began planned something with Kate. Kate wasn’t agreeing about Nick’s plan because Nick would spy Erin’s and Marguerite house to find the jewels. But after Nick explained detail Kate agree although she still not agrees. They come in to house and met Marguerite and Erin. After they allowed Nick and Kate to feel like their house, Nick and Kate began around this house. Marguerite and Erin didn’t know it.
Before it, he and Kate argued about this plan again. He asks Kate as his stand guard. After argued, they did what had planned before. They didn’t find about that jewels. And they almost known by Marguerite and Erin, so they hide in closet together until they went out.
After that incident Nick feel so guilty and so was Kate. She made a mistake with invite he in Erin’s party and so guilty when she agreeing to be Nick stand guard. And at that time Nick was overly effusive with his plan.
Kate was still fuming about what had happened at Erin’s party when the phone rang. But, Marguerite knew if she must go because of her job. Before Kate went to work, her mother called her. And Kate told anything what had happened at Erin’s party. She told that she and Nick hid in the closet. And Kate angry with Nick.
Nick called by Jeffery. Nick informed him something about that jewels, but he didn’t find them. Also he told about Kate’s involving in this mission. He felt so foolish because he had joined Kate in his mission to find the missing jewels. He also felt guilty to Kate and said sorry to the Jeffrey. Jeffrey was surprised her daughter involved in this mission. But, he thought if she had adult.
Nick felt bored of it, so he went to the bar with Max. He told it all to Max and she laughed about it because what had Nick planned with Kate all of them are complicated. So, he felt guilty to join Kate. Max knew what Nick problem is. So, she gave him an idea to pay his guilty to Kate. She suggested that Nick must apologize again to Kate about this problem. And he smiled to Max and went to Kate apartment.
He went to Kate apartment and said sorry to her and explained about his guilty. And Kate accepted his apologize because Kate understood actually her false about it. She knew that one of Nick’s job to spy the Marguerite house. Then, she said to Nick to come in her apartment. When he came in her apartment, he saw Kate was very different and beautiful before. Also he felt it more comfortable and soft. According to Kate that was messy for her.
He approached her face, actually he hadn’t want to do it but it seemed they had no choice. He kissed her again and making love in Kate’s bedroom. They did it twice after Kate felt unsatisfied.
In the Vignoble, Marguerite sat down alone. She drank a cup of tea in her house. She reminds herself of Dirk and she opened her letter from Dirk. It was so sad because she didn’t life with Dirk again. And then she called Grace and she informs her about the jewels. She knew about the missing jewels that stolen by Dirk a few years ago. She told Dirk immigrated to Australia with her. Grace listen her carefully about her information that share to Grace. But, Marguerite couldn’t tell it much more in the phone. She needed to meet with Grace, but when they arranged the plan of their meet, Marguerite promise to call her again and close the phone because Nick came to her and Marguerite close the box of the jewels. Marguerite didn’t tell if Nick came to her house to discuss the jewel.
Grace told it Kate via phone. And Kate was surprised if Marguerite told her about the jewels. Grace must find it first than Nick because she wanted to show it to her ex-husband, Jeffrey. She imagined that Jeffrey would happy because of the jewels were back to the place.
Nick promised to Kate that he would pick her up after her work. When in the clinic, Kate met with Emilio and his member of new gang. Emilio looked cool because all of the member of his new gang worn blue shirt and blue beret. And he asked Kate to guess what the name of his new gang was. Kate guessed the blue beret and Emilio said that it was too obvious. Suddenly Nick came to pick her up because it was night. And he argued with Emilio about his holding knife a few days ago.
Behind Emilio there were two men that brought a gun. All of them are panic and suddenly both of them shot and Kate didn’t feel it. Their bullet is in Kate feet and Kate felt pain when the blood out of her feet. She felt as if there was a fire inside entire her body. Two men that brought guns ran and Nick and Emilio’s gang called ambulance. They carried Kate to the hospital. Nick called her mother if Kate was in injury. Grace shocked hears that and directly she called her ex-husband. Jeffrey was shocked too and he would go to hospital.
When Kate woke up, she was confusing. It real or not? But she could felt Nick’s hand and smiled to him. Grace and Jeffrey were outside looked her daughter in bed weakly. After that, Nick went out left Kate and Kate didn’t want him go. But, he must go because he must go to Australia to finish his job. Kate hateful Nick so much because she left alone and she needed him to accompany her.
After she went out from the hospital, she stayed in her mother house. She didn’t want do anything and her mother tried to make her happy with enjoy some activities, but it couldn’t. She need Nick said her mother to Jeffrey. But, Jeffrey knew Nick must do his job and finished it. Grace said that her daughter was very important than the jewels mission and let Nick back.
After Nick back from Australia, he met with Jeffrey at his hotel. They talked about the jewels. And suddenly Nick asked Jeffrey about Kate. He knew Kate was in mother house so he directly to go there. Arrived in Grace house he met Kate, but Kate let him go in front of her. He went out and back to his apartment.
After Kate felt better, she back to her apartment. And her mother called her that Marguerite gave the jewels to her. Grace was very happy that the jewels back to the place. They are so beautiful jewels of the DeWilde collection.
Tomorrow Kate felt if she guilty. So, she asked Emilio where Nick is and called Max. Emilio carried her to the bar that Nick always went there with Max. She found him and said sorry to Nick and Nick explained why he did this. Nick said that he was very love Kate very much and that was way he must go because he had a job that must finished. Before it, Nick asked Kate to go back work in clinic but Kate didn’t for the first. But, after she understood if she needed by clinic, she back work.
After Nick explained all his reasons left her alone in the hospital, Kate wanted that their relationship more than this. So, Nick said to Kate that would her marry him? She said yes. A few days later Nick and Kate get married and her mother decorated her marriage and helped by her employees and her twins’ son, Megan and Gabriel.

metode belajar bahasa inggris bagi orang dewasa

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SECTION ONE - Some Learning Tips.............................................................................2
SECTION TWO - Four Strategies on English Study ......................................................11
SECTION THREE - Tips from EF English First Teachers..............................................19


BAB 1 - Sejumlah Tips Belajar ........................................................................................2
BAB 2 - Empat Strategi Belajar Bahasa Inggris.............................................................11
BAB 3 - Tips dari Guru EF English First ........................................................................19

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SECTION ONE - Some Learning Tips
BAB 1 - Sejumlah Tips Belajar

1.1. Set Goals
It’s often much easier to motivate yourself to work if you have something to aim for. Goals can be
short or long term. A short term goal in learning English might be to learn enough to be able to
book a hotel room. A longer term aim could be to attend a University in a foreign country, or get a
7.5 on the IELTS exam.

1.1. Tetapkan Tujuan
Agar lebih mudah dalam memotivasi diri Anda untuk belajar, Anda harus mempunyai suatu
tujuan yang hendak dicapai. Tujuan-tujuan tersebut dapat berjangka pendek ataupun panjang.
Salah satu tujuan jangka pendek dalam belajar bahasa Inggris adalah belajar secukupnya agar
dapat mereservasi kamar hotel. Sedangkan tujuan jangka panjang bisa berupa melanjutkan
pendidikan keluar negeri atau mendapat nilai 7.5 pada ujian IELTS Anda.

1.2. Be Prepared to Work Hard
Learning a language is generally not easy. Most people have other things to do in their lives apart
from learning English. You need to realize this and be patient with regard to your progress. But
you won’t achieve much if you don’t put in the effort. We can provide you with quality instructors.
However, your progress depends a lot on you.

1.2. Siap-siap untuk Bekerja Keras
Belajar suatu bahasa tidaklah mudah. Banyak orang yang mempunyai kesibukan lain selain
belajar bahasa Inggris. Anda harus mengerti akan hal ini dan bersabar dalam proses belajar
Anda. Namun tidak banyak yang akan Anda capai bila Anda tidak berusaha. Kami dapat
menyediakan para guru dan instruktur yang berkualitas untuk Anda, namun kemajuan Anda lebih
banyak bergantung pada diri Anda sendiri.

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1.3. Make Time
Many of us lead busy lives and find it hard to fit new things into an already established routine.
Learning English can require discipline. You need to set aside time for your learning and be
prepared to study during that time. Putting things off because you’re too tired is ok every now and
then, but it shouldn’t become a habit. Make English an indispensable part of your schedule.

1.3. Luangkan Waktu
Banyak di antara kita mempunyai kehidupan yang sangat sibuk dan biasanya tidak mudah untuk
memasukkan hal baru ke dalam rutinitas sehari-hari kita. Belajar bahasa Inggris membutuhkan
disiplin. Anda perlu meluangkan waktu untuk belajar dan benar-benar belajar pada saat itu.
Tidak masalah bila Anda mengalihkannya dengan alasan Anda terlalu lelah sesekali, tetapi
jangan menjadikan itu suatu kebiasaan. Jadikan bahasa Inggris bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari
jadwal rutinitas Anda.

1.4. Ask Questions
We don’t expect students to be sponges. You can’t expect to absorb everything and not have any
questions to ask. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Our teachers are there to help.

1.4. Bertanyalah
Kami tidak mengharapkan siswa menjadi seperti busa sponge. Anda tidak mungkin dapat
menyerap semua yang diajarkan dan sama sekali tidak mempunyai hal-hal untuk ditanyakan.
Jangan takut untuk bertanya! Guru-guru kami ada untuk membantu Anda.

1.5. Do Some Extra-curricular Work
Having a teacher to instruct and guide you is vital. However, you can also study independently in
fact; this will be more likely to make you a successful language learner. Don’t wait until it’s time
for class to pull out your English books.

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1.5. Lakukan Pekerjaan Tambahan
Mempunyai seorang guru yang memberikan instruksi dan bimbingan kepada Anda sangatlah
penting. Namun, sebenarnya Anda juga dapat belajar sendiri. Hal ini justru dapat membuat Anda
menjadi seorang pembelajar bahasa yang sukses. Jangan hanya mengeluarkan buku bahasa
Inggris Anda saat di dalam kelas saja.

1.6. Watch English Movies
This is a great way to pick up colloquial English and practise listening. You don’t need to be able
to understand every word to understand what is happening in a movie. Turn on the English
Subtitles to help with understanding - this is a great way to practice reading also. Choose movies
that you are more likely to be able to follow. Movies with short dialogue, separated by long
sequences of no dialogue are ideal, as they allow time to absorb the language. Romantic movies
tend to fall into this category.

1.6. Tonton Film Berbahasa Inggris
Ini merupakan cara terbaik untuk belajar bahasa pergaulan sehari-hari dan melatih kemampuan
mendengar. Anda tidak harus mengerti setiap kata yang diucapkan di dalam film untuk
memahami keseluruhan adegan film. Gunakan teks subtitle bahasa Inggris untuk membantu
Anda mengerti – ini juga merupakan cara yang baik untuk melatih kemampuan membaca. Pilih
film yang mudah Anda mengerti. Film-film dengan dialog singkat, diikuti dengan jeda tanpa dialog
adalah yang paling ideal, karena memberikan Anda waktu untuk menyerap bahasa tersebut.
Film romantis termasuk dalam kategori ini.

1.7. Listen to English Music
Music can be a fun way to learn English. The next time you’re at a Karaoke bar or maybe at
home singing in front of your TV, try singing an English song. This is a great way to practice
putting some emotion into your English and will really improve the way other people perceive your
meaning when you’re speaking English to them.

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1.7. Dengarkan Lagu Berbahasa Inggris
Musik bisa menjadi cara yang menyenangkan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Lain kali jika Anda
pergi ke tempat karaoke atau bernyanyi di depan TV di rumah Anda, cobalah menyanyikan satu
lagu bahasa Inggris. Ini cara yang baik untuk berlatih mengekspresikan diri dalam berbahasa
Inggris dan meningkatkan pengertian orang terhadap apa yang Anda ucapkan pada mereka.

1.8. Reading
Reading is a fantastic way to learn new vocabulary. Try reading short stories rather than long
novels. These are often broken down into short chapters which can be read and then analyzed
for language. Don’t feel that you have to understand every word. Try to get the general meaning.
Underline unknown words and try to guess their meaning from context. You can use your
dictionary later to look them up and check if you were right. Use graded readers. These tend to
have questions designed to test comprehension of what you have just read.

1.8. Membaca
Membaca adalah cara terbaik untuk belajar kosakata baru. Cobalah membaca cerita-cerita
pendek daripada cerita novel yang panjang. Biasanya cerita ini terbagi dalam beberapa bab
pendek yang lebih mudah dianalisa bahasanya. Anda tidak harus mengerti setiap kata yang
tertulis. Cobalah mengerti keseluruhan cerita secara umum. Garis bawahi kata-kata yang tidak
Anda mengerti dan cobalah menerka artinya berdasarkan konteks kalimat. Lalu gunakan kamus
Anda untuk mencari dan melihat apakah terkaan Anda benar. Gunakan graded readers (buku
belajar membaca). Dalam buku ini, biasanya tersedia sejumlah pertanyaan untuk menguji
pemahaman Anda terhadap apa yang baru saja Anda baca.

1.9. Join English Club or Go to English Corners
Public places such as bookstores, schools or libraries often tend to have free English corners. Or
better yet, you can even ask your friends and start your own English club. Don’t be shy. Go along
and take part. Ask questions. Meet people just like you who are interested in learning English.

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1.9. Bergabung dengan Klub Bahasa Inggris atau English Corner
Beberapa tempat umum seperti toko buku, sekolah atau perpustakaan biasanya mempunyai
English corner. Lebih baik lagi, Anda juga dapat mengajak teman Anda untuk membentuk klub
bahasa Inggris Anda sendiri. Jangan malu-malu. Bergabunglah bersama mereka. Ajukan
pertanyaan. Berkumpullah dengan orang-orang yang tertarik untuk belajar bahasa Inggris seperti

1.10. Use the Internet
The internet is a fantastic invention, which has changed the way we live our lives. While it is
fantastic to be able to read the People’s daily or chat with friends online, it is a waste if we don’t
use the medium to learn English. Here at English First, we offer a full suite of blended online
learning applications. But, in addition to that, there’s plenty you can do on your own.

1.10. Gunakan Internet
Internet adalah penemuan yang menakjubkan, yang mengubah cara hidup kita. Walaupun
menyenangkan bisa membaca “People” setiap hari atau ngobrol dengan teman-teman secara
online, rasanya sia-sia bila kita tidak menggunakan internet untuk belajar bahasa. Di EF English
First, kami menawarkan berbagai aplikasi belajar online. Tentu saja masih banyak hal lain yang
bisa Anda lakukan sendiri.

1.11. Read English Newspapers
There are numerous newspapers which provide a rich source of interesting and varied reading
materials. One of them is Jakarta Post.

1.11. Baca Surat Kabar Berbahasa Inggris
Tersedia beberapa surat kabar yang menyediakan informasi dan materi yang menarik untuk
dibaca. Salah satunya adalah Jakarta Post.

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1.12. Listen to Radio
Virtually every radio station in the world is up for grabs with the Internet. Don’t just be content with
the VOA or BBC world service. There are many other interesting alternatives. Try listening to
radio from around the English speaking world.

1.12. Dengarkan Radio
Semua radio di seluruh dunia secara virtual terhubung dengan internet. Jangan puas hanya
dengan VOA dan BBC. Masih banyak pilihan menarik lainnya. Coba dengarkan radio dari bagian
dunia lain yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

1.13. Chat
You can use MSN, yahoo and other chat programs to chat in English. Rather than firing up QQ
the minute you switch on your PC, try finding some of your English speaking friends. If you have
Skype, encourage your friends to get it too and call them for free using your computer.

1.13. Chat
Anda dapat menggunakan MSN, Yahoo dan program messenger lainnya untuk chatting dalam
bahasa Inggris secara online. Coba cari beberapa teman Anda yang berbahasa Inggris. Bila
Anda menggunakan Skype, ajak teman-teman Anda untuk menggunakannya juga dan telepon
mereka secara gratis melalui komputer Anda.

1.14. Don’t be Self-conscious
There are a few old-fashioned methods which might sound quirky but can work:
- Improve your pronunciation
Use a mirror to practice making difficult English sounds; Record yourself speaking
English and listen afterward, paying attention to stress, intonation and problem
- Think in English
Have an imaginary conversation in English. Think through what you’re going to say.
- Speak to your friends in English

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At EF, our teachers encourage students to practice by speaking with each other. This
doesn’t have to be confined to the classroom. Try speaking to your Indonesian friends in
English. Don’t worry about picking up bad pronunciation habits-speaking more regularly
will give you a much greater level of confidence and you will definitely improve faster.

1.14. Jangan Malu-malu
Ada beberapa cara kuno yang walaupun terkesan aneh namun bisa membantu:
- Meningkatkan pelafalan Anda
Gunakan cermin untuk berlatih membuat bunyi-bunyi yang sulit dalam bahasa Inggris;
rekam saat Anda berbicara bahasa Inggris dan dengarkan setelahnya, perhatikan
penekanan, intonasi dan fonem Anda.
- Berpikir dalam bahasa Inggris
Lakukan percakapan imajinasi Anda dalam bahasa Inggris. Pikirkan apa yang hendak
Anda katakan.
- Berbicaralah dengan teman Anda menggunakan bahasa Inggris
Di EF, guru kami mendorong para siswa untuk berlatih berbicara satu sama lain, dan
tidak terbatas hanya di dalam ruang kelas. Cobalah berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris
dengan teman-teman Anda. Tidak perlu kuatir dengan pelafalan yang kurang bagus –
berbicara secara teratur akan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri Anda dan Anda akan maju
lebih pesat.

1.15. For Parents
Kid’s whose parents take an active interest in their child’s education will probably be much more
likely to become successful language learners. Let them know you care by communicating with
them regularly about what they are learning at EF:
• Check their homework and help them with it as much as you can.
• Make sure they are actually using those tapes that you paid for at the start of the course.
Too many kids never even take off the cellophane wrapping on their cassettes. Your child
can learn a lot from reviewing material from each unit on the tapes.
• If you can speak even a little English, don’t be afraid to use it with your child. Don’t be
afraid that your child will learn bad pronunciation-that’s one of the reasons you send them

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to us! But the more exposure they have to the language, the better they will become at
• Encourage your child to read as much as possible in English. It’s important to choose
material appropriate to your child. However, there is a wide range of material available at
local bookstores which will be suitable for your child.
• Let them watch cartoons and movies in English. Children love cartoons, and seeing them
in English will only increase their desire to learn.
• We can also provide a number of additional tools to support your child’s education. These
are an ideal supplement to regular classes, or for those occasions when you can’t offer
as much help as you would like:
o Multimedia games
o Additional activities taught by local and foreign teachers
o High Flyer Games
o Trailblazer games
o EF Extra
o Tutor lessons for different levels
One of the best ways you can help with your child’s education is to take part yourself. Why not
sign up for a course yourself. Come to EF together with your child and learn English together.

1.15. Bagi Para Orang Tua
Anak-anak yang orang tuanya terlibat secara aktif dalam pendidikan mereka biasanya menjadi
pembelajar bahasa yang lebih sukses. Tunjukkan perhatian dengan berkomunikasi secara teratur
dengan anak-anak Anda mengenai apa yang mereka pelajari di EF:
• Periksa pekerjaan rumah mereka dan bantu mereka sebanyak yang Anda bisa.
• Pastikan mereka menggunakan semua kaset yang Anda bayar di awal kursus. Banyak anak-
anak yang bahkan tidak membuka bungkusan plastik kasetnya. Anak Anda dapat belajar
banyak dengan mengulang materi pelajaran kursus dari setiap unit di kaset tersebut.
• Apabila Anda memiliki sedikit kemampuan berbahasa Inggris, jangan takut untuk
menggunakannya dengan anak Anda. Jangan takut anak Anda akan belajar pelafalan yang
salah – ini salah satu alasan Anda mengirimkan anak Anda kepada kami! Semakin banyak
interaksi anak Anda terhadap bahasa Inggris, semakin bagus kemampuan berbahasa

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• Doronglah anak Anda untuk membaca sebanyak mungkin dalam bahasa Inggris. Sangat
penting untuk memilih materi yang cocok bagi anak Anda. Saat ini sudah tersedia berbagai
pilihan bacaan di toko buku yang sesuai untuk anak Anda.
• Biarkan mereka menonton film kartun dan film lainnya dalam bahasa Inggris. Anak-anak
senang dengan film kartun dan menontonnya dalam bahasa Inggris meningkatkan keinginan
belajar mereka.
• Kami juga menyediakan sejumlah peralatan tambahan untuk mendukung pendidikan anak
Anda. Ini adalah pendukung yang ideal untuk kelas-kelas biasa atau pada saat Anda tidak
bisa membantu anak Anda:
° Permainan multimedia
° Aktivitas tambahan yang dipandu oleh guru asing dan lokal
° Permainan High Flyer
° Permainan Trailblazer
° EF Extra
° Pelajaran tambahan untuk level yang berbeda
Salah satu cara terbaik dalam membantu pendidikan anak Anda adalah dengan melibatkan diri
Anda sendiri. Daftarkan diri Anda untuk mengikuti kursus di tempat kami. Datang ke EF bersama
anak Anda dan belajar bahasa Inggris bersama.

1.16. Continue to Study with EF!
We’re confident that studying with EF is the best way to ensure that you learn English as
effectively as possible. Your hard work and our proven track record is a winning combination.

1.16. Terus Belajar Bersama EF!
Kami yakin bahwa belajar di EF adalah jalan terbaik bagi Anda untuk belajar bahasa Inggris
secara efektif. Kerja keras Anda dan reputasi kami yang sudah teruji merupakan kombinasi yang
tak terkalahkan.

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SECTION TWO - Four Strategies on English Study
BAB 2 - Empat Strategi Belajar Bahasa Inggris

2.1. Reading Strategies
• Look at the task/questions before reading.
• Look at the title, headings and any photos or illustrations before reading. Read the first
paragraph and the last paragraph. Can you predict what the text might be about before
reading the full text? (N.B.: The first sentence of a paragraph will usually give you a general
idea of the whole paragraph.)
• On your first reading, try to understand as much as possible without using a dictionary.
• Skim to find the general idea of the whole text. Fast repeated reading is more effective than
slow careful reading.
• Scan to find keywords. Read around the keywords to find the answer to the comprehension
questions or to guess the meaning of unknown words. For any unknown words consider the
o What part of speech is it?
o Is it a positive or negative word?
o What is the context of the paragraph or sentence?

2.1. Strategi Membaca
• Lihat pada tugas/pertanyaannya sebelum membaca.
• Lihat judul, sub judul dan foto-foto atau ilustrasi sebelum membaca. Baca paragraf pertama
dan terakhir. Apakah kamu bisa menerka isi dari bacaan tersebut sebelum membaca
seluruhnya (Catatan: Kalimat pertama dari sebuah paragraf biasanya memberikan gambaran
mengenai seluruh paragraf.)
• Pada saat pertama kali membaca, coba untuk mengerti sebanyak mungkin tanpa
menggunakan kamus.
• Baca secara cepat untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum tentang bacaan tersebut.
Membaca cepat berulang kali lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan membaca secara pelan-
• Cari kata-kata kunci. Cobalah membaca seputar kata-kata kunci itu untuk menemukan
jawaban atas pertanyaan yang dimengerti atau untuk menebak arti kata-kata yang tidak
dimengerti. Perhatikan beberapa hal berikut ini untuk kata-kata yang tidak dimengerti:

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ο Di bagian percakapan manakah kata tersebut berada?
ο Apakah kata tersebut berkonotasi positif atau negatif?
o Bagaimana konteks paragraf dan kalimatnya?

Immerse Yourself in English: Reading
• Do reading comprehension activities on EF’s iLAB.
• Read English newspaper.
• Read ‘Graded Readers” (short books written with language graded to the student’s language
level ability).
• Surf the Internet to learn more about topics you are interested in.
• Join a local library.
• Subscribe to online English-language newsletters, which are mailed to your inbox.

Benamkan Diri Anda dalam Bahasa Inggris: Membaca
• Berlatih kegiatan pemahaman bacaan di iLAB EF.
• Baca surat kabar berbahasa Inggris.
• Baca buku belajar membaca ‘Graded Readers’ (buku bacaan singkat yang ditulis dengan
bahasa yang telah diberi peringkat sesuai dengan kemampuan bahasa siswa).
• Berselancar di internet untuk mencari topik-topik lain yang menarik bagi Anda.
• Jadilah anggota di perpustakaan lokal.
• Berlangganan buletin online berbahasa Inggris yang dikirim langsung ke kotak surat email

2.2. Speaking Strategies
• Learn delaying words/sounds used by English speakers to give themselves time to think,
such as, “…er…”, “…umm…”, “…well…”.
• Ask follow-up questions. Keep the other person talking by asking “Why?”, “How did you feel
about that?”, “And then what happened?”, etc.

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• Comment on what the other person has said with expressions like, “Really!”, “Exactly!”, “I
totally agree”, etc. This also shows the other person that you are listening carefully and are
interested in what the other person has to say.
• Ask for repetition or explanation if you need it. You can use these sentences: “I’m sorry, I
didn’t quite catch that”, “I’m sorry, what you do mean exactly?”
• Give reasons for your statements. Try to finish sentences with ‘because…’. For example, “I
like my teacher because she’s really friendly”.
• For more cohesive speech, use linking devices to glue sentences together. For example, “On
the other hand…”, “Despite…”, “On a similar note…”.

2.2. Strategi Berbicara
• Belajar kata-kata atau suara penundaan yang biasanya digunakan oleh pengguna bahasa
Inggris untuk memberikan waktu lebih bagi mereka untuk berpikir, seperti “…er…”,
“…umm…”, “…well…”.
• Teruslah bertanya. Biarkan orang lain terus berbicara dengan bertanya “Mengapa?”,
“Bagaimana perasaan Anda tentang hal itu?”, “Dan apa yang terjadi setelah itu?”, dan
• Beri komentar atas apa yang dikatakan orang lain dengan ungkapan seperti, “Benar!”, “Tepat
sekali!”, “Saya sepenuhnya setuju”, dan lainnya. Ini juga menunjukkan kepada orang tersebut
bahwa Anda benar-benar mendengarkannya dan tertarik dengan apa yang dikatakan orang
• Mintalah lawan bicara Anda untuk mengulang atau menjelaskan lebih lanjut bila perlu.
Gunakan kalimat seperti berikut: “Maaf, bisakah Anda mengulanginya?”, “Maaf, apa maksud
Anda sebenarnya?”
• Berikan alasan untuk pernyataan Anda. Coba untuk menyelesaikan kalimat Anda dengan
‘karena…’. Contoh: “Saya suka dengan guru saya karena dia sangat bersahabat”.
• Untuk pernyataan yang berhubungan, gunakan kata sambung. Contohnya: “Di sisi lain…”,
“Walaupun…”, “Sehubungan dengan ini…”.

Immerse Yourself in English: Speaking
• Attend Life Club regularly.
• Use the Pronunciation Lab found in the iLAB Study Tools.

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• Try to use English at all times in class, even when speaking to your classmates.
• Make some English-speaking friends.
• Help foreign visitors to your city.
• Visit places where there are likely to be English speakers.
• Download Skype and use your headphones to meet new people who speak English.
• Daydream: think how you would express yourself in English in a variety of situations. Create
fantasy dialogues and imaginary encounters in English.

Benamkan Diri Anda dalam Bahasa Inggris: Berbicara
• Hadiri Life Club secara teratur.
• Gunakan iLAB untuk belajar pelafalan.
• Gunakan bahasa Inggris selama di dalam kelas, bahkan ketika berbicara dengan teman
sekelas Anda.
• Bertemanlah dengan pengguna bahasa Inggris asli.
• Bantulah turis asing yang sedang berkunjung di kota Anda.
• Kunjungi tempat-tempat di mana Anda akan menemukan banyak orang-orang asing yang
berbahasa Inggris.
• Download Skype dan gunakan headphone Anda untuk bertemu dengan orang baru yang
berbahasa Inggris.
• Melamunlah: pikirkan bagaimana Anda akan mengekpresikan diri Anda dengan bahasa
Inggris di berbagai situasi. Ciptakan percakapan dan pertemuan imajinasi dalam bahasa

2.3. Listening Strategies
• Predict:
o What do you know about the topic before listening?
o What do you know about the speakers? What are they likely to say?
o What can you guess about the listening from visual support, the context, any gestures or
facial expressions?
• Plan:
o Read any tasks or comprehension questions before you listen.
o Think about possible answers.

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• As you listen:
o First listen for overall meaning, then listen for specific information.
o Don’t translate.
o Listen for clues in background noises, character/speakers and tone of voice.

2.3. Strategi Mendengarkan
• Perkirakan:
ο Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang topik tersebut sebelum mendengarkan?
ο Apa yang Anda ketahui tentang pembicara tersebut? Apa yang mungkin akan mereka
ο Apa yang dapat Anda tebak dengan melihat gerakan tangan, konteks atau ekspresi
wajah pembicara tersebut?
• Rencanakan:
ο Bacalah tugas atau pertanyaan yang diminta sebelum Anda mendengarkan.
ο Pikirkan kemungkinan jawabannya.
• Saat Anda mendengarkan:
ο Pertama-tama dengarkan arti keseluruhnya, baru kemudian dengarkan informasi khusus.
ο Jangan diterjemahkan.
ο Simak petunjuk yang ada dari suara latar belakang, karakter/pembicara dan intonasi

Immerse Yourself in English: Listening
• Listen to songs in English (use the lyrics for extra support).
• Watch DVDs and TV in English. This will also help you understand different English-speaking
o Choose to watch films with plots you are already familiar with.
o Use English subtitles for the hearing impaired.
• Access radio websites.
• At home, listen to the EF English First CD accompanying your course book.
• Watch the news in English:
o Write down any new words or phrases.
o Look up any unfamiliar words or phrases.

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o Watch the news later that same day or the next day. Were any of your new words
repeated? What were the updates or developments in the story since you last watched?

Benamkan Diri Anda dalam Bahasa Inggris: Mendengar
• Dengarkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris (gunakan lirik untuk membantu Anda).
• Nonton DVD dan TV dalam bahasa Inggris. Hal ini juga akan membantu Anda mengerti
beragam kebudayaan orang-orang yang berbahasa Inggris.
ο Pilih film yang plotnya sudah Anda pahami.
ο Gunakan teks bahasa Inggris.
• Dengarkan berbagai stasiun radio online.
• Di rumah, dengarkan CD EF English First yang melengkapi buku kursus Anda.
• Tonton berita dalam bahasa Inggris:
ο Tulislah semua kata-kata atau ungkapan baru.
ο Carilah kata-kata atau ungkapan yang tidak Anda kenal.
o Tontonlah berita tersebut sekali lagi pada hari yang sama atau keesokan harinya.
Apakah ada kata-kata baru Anda yang diulangi? Bagaimana perkembangan atau
kelanjutan berita tersebut dibandingkan dengan terakhir kali Anda menontonnya?

2.4. Writing Strategies
• Write down all of your ideas quickly.
• Think about the language you will need.
• Organize your notes into a logical structure (beginning, middle, end).
• Organize your sentences into paragraphs. Start paragraphs with topic sentences and then
follow with sentences that give examples, analogies, arguments, statistics, anecdotes, etc to
support the topic of the paragraph.
• Write.
• Read and check.
• Make necessary changes.

2.4. Strategi Menulis
• Tulis semua ide Anda secara cepat.
• Pikirkan bahasa yang Anda butuhkan.

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• Atur catatan Anda dalam struktur yang benar (awal, pertengahan, akhir).
• Susun kalimat-kalimat Anda menjadi paragraf. Mulailah paragraf dengan kalimat yang
menjelaskan topik dan diikuti dengan kalimat-kalimat yang memberikan contoh,
perumpamaan, alasan, statistik, cerita-cerita pendek yang lucu dan lainnya untuk mendukung
topik pada paragraf tersebut.
• Mulailah menulis.
• Baca dan periksa tulisan Anda.
• Perbaiki bilamana diperlukan.

Immerse Yourself in English: Writing
• Notice the layout and format of a variety of text types. Pay attention to any formulaic
language and try to incorporate it into your own writing.
• Keep a journal.
• Visit chat rooms and meet new friends by writing in English online.
• Send e-mails.
• Send SMS messages.
• Use Instant Messenger in English.

Benamkan Diri Anda dalam Bahasa Inggris: Menulis
• Perhatikan susunan dan format dari berbagai jenis teks. Perhatikan standar bahasa dan
usahakan untuk mengaplikasikannya ke dalam tulisan Anda.
• Tulislah catatan harian.
• Kunjungi chat room online dan cari teman-teman baru dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
• Kirimlah e-mail.
• Kirim pesan SMS.
• Gunakan Instant Messenger dalam bahasa Inggris.

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Immerse Yourself in English: Vocabulary
• Label objects around the house and office.
• Review your notes from class and use the ‘Personal Dictionary’ in the back of your text book
to organize any new language.
• Record language in chunks and phrases.
• Look for clues in the word that indicate what the word means (like prefixes and suffixes).

Benamkan Diri Anda dalam Bahasa Inggris: Perbendaharaan Kata
• Beri label benda-benda di sekitar rumah dan kantor Anda.
• Periksa kembali catatan Anda dari kelas dan gunakan ‘Personal Dictionary’ yang terdapat
pada halaman belakang buku kursus Anda untuk menyusun bahasa baru.
• Ingatlah bahasa tersebut secara keseluruhan maupun bagian per bagian.
• Cari petunjuk-petunjuk yang dapat menunjukkan arti dari kata-kata tersebut (seperti awalan
dan akhiran).

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SECTION THREE - Tips from EF English First Teachers
BAB 3 - Tips dari Guru EF English First

3.1. Learning a Language
• The teacher can show you the language and give you
tools to help you learn but you must take the most
important step and jump in and practice as much as
you can.
• Don’t be afraid to participate, the teacher will create a
friendly and open learning environment in which you
can experiment and try to speak English.
• Set yourself goals, but make them realistic.
Congratulate yourself when you reach your goals.
• Don’t expect to understand everything immediately. Be
patient. With time and effort the language will slowly
become clearer.
• The fact that you’re reading this means you have already made an important step.
• Don’t give up. Imagine if at the age of 18 months, after a few falls, you decide you don’t want
to learn to walk!

3.1. Belajar Suatu Bahasa
• Guru bisa mengajarkan suatu bahasa dan memberikan semua bahan yang Anda perlukan
untuk mempelajari bahasa tersebut, namun Anda lah yang harus mengambil langkah
pertama yang paling penting dan belajar serta berlatih sebanyak yang Anda bisa.
• Jangan takut untuk berpartisipasi, guru akan menciptakan lingkungan yang bersahabat dan
kondusif untuk belajar di mana Anda dapat bereksperimen dan mencoba berbahasa Inggris.
• Tetapkan tujuan Anda, tetapi yang realistis. Ucapkan selamat pada diri Anda sendiri bila
Anda mencapai tujuan Anda itu.
• Jangan berharap bisa mengerti semuanya dalam waktu singkat. Bersabarlah. Seiring dengan
waktu dan usaha Anda, bahasa itu akan menjadi lebih jelas secara perlahan.
• Apabila Anda membaca ini berarti Anda telah membuat satu langkah yang penting.
• Jangan menyerah. Bayangkan bila saat Anda berumur 18 bulan, setelah beberapa kali
terjatuh Anda memutuskan berhenti belajar berjalan!

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3.2. In the Classroom
• Participate in the classes. Speak at every opportunity, with respect for others, of course.
Listen to others when they are speaking.
• Be prepared to work with your classmates and to speak with them in English. We call this
‘pair work’ or ‘group work.’ Learning a language is about communicating with everybody.
• Expect to make lots of mistakes. You won’t learn without making mistakes. It’s part of the
process. If the teacher sees you making mistakes, they know you are trying. If you are not
making mistakes, you are not trying hard enough.

3.2. Dalam Ruang Kelas
• Turut berpartisipasi dalam kelas. Bicaralah setiap kali ada kesempatan, dan tentunya juga
harus menghormati orang lain. Dengarkan orang lain saat mereka berbicara.
• Bekerjasamalah dengan teman-teman sekelas Anda dan berbicaralah dengan mereka dalam
bahasa Inggris. Kami menyebut ini ‘kerja berpasangan’ atau ‘kerja kelompok’. Belajar bahasa
berarti berkomunikasi dengan semua orang.
• Berharaplah untuk membuat banyak kesalahan. Anda tidak belajar tanpa membuat
kesalahan. Itu adalah bagian dari proses belajar. Apabila guru Anda melihat Anda berbuat
kesalahan, maka beliau tahu Anda mencoba. Apabila Anda tidak membuat kesalahan, maka
Anda tidak cukup keras berusaha.

3.3. Outside the Classroom
• Participate in the social activities and parties we will be organizing. Practicing outside the
classroom is an invaluable opportunity to make the classroom language active.
• You should study at home. There is a fundamental truth… the more time you dedicate, the
more you will improve.
• Watch TV (English language movies, the latest news in English even MTv). Have a look at
the broadcasting schedules.
• Listen to English language songs. They are a rich source of modern language usage and
cultural reference.
• Read authentic English language materials – Jakarta Post, newspapers, magazines, books,
novels, etc.

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• Visit English language learning websites. They are full of good ideas for learning and for
general English topics.

3.3. Di Luar Ruang Kelas
• Datang ke kegiatan sosial dan pesta yang kami adakan. Berlatih di luar ruang kelas
merupakan kesempatan berharga untuk mempraktekkan bahasa yang telah Anda pelajari di
dalam kelas
• Anda juga harus belajar di rumah. Kenyataannya… makin banyak waktu yang Anda sisihkan
untuk belajar, makin cepat Anda mengalami kemajuan.
• Tonton TV (film-film berita terkini dalam bahasa Inggris, bahkan MTv sekalipun). Cobalah
periksa jadwal tayangnya.
• Dengarkan lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris. Lagu merupakan sumber yang kaya akan
penggunaan bahasa yang modern dan referensi budaya.
• Baca teks berbahasa Inggris asli – The Jakarta Post, majalah, buku-buku, novel dan
• Kunjungi website tentang belajar bahasa Inggris. Anda akan menemukan banyak ide bagus
tentang belajar bahasa Inggris dan topik umum lainnya.

3.4 Learn from Your Mistakes
• Don’t expect to understand everything immediately.
• Fluency first, accuracy second.
• Speak …at every opportunity!
• Participate and persist!
• We can show you the pool…Now jump in!

3.4. Belajar dari Kesalahan Anda
• Jangan harap bisa mengerti semuanya dalam waktu singkat
• Kelancaran yang pertama, ketepatan setelahnya
• Berbicara… pada setiap kesempatan!
• Turut berpartisipasi dan tetap berusaha!
• Kami dapat menunjukkan jalurnya… Andalah yang harus mengarunginya!

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3.5. Things to Remember
Problem Solution
Talking about
the past

In English you need to change the verb to talk about the past. Ask your
teacher for practice opportunities and try to correct yourself and your
classmates whenever possible.

Try to use contractions when speaking. These include:
• My name’s (My name is)
• They’re (They are)
• I’d (I would)
Native speakers use contractions all the time, making understanding what
they are saying much more difficult. Using contractions will make you
more aware of them, improve your comprehension and make your English
more natural sounding.

/ϖ/ /Τ/ /∆/ /Ζ/
These sounds don’t exist in Indonesian and cause many
problems for English learners. Try to find out the correct
mouth and tongue positions for making these sounds
and practice saying words containing them.

3.5. Hal Yang Perlu Diingat
Masalah Solusi
tentang masa
Dalam bahasa Inggris, Anda harus mengubah kata kerja bila Anda
berbicara tentang masa lampau. Minta kesempatan berlatih kepada guru
Anda dan cobalah untuk mengoreksi diri Anda sendiri dan teman-teman
Anda apabila memungkinkan.
Gunakan singkatan bila berbicara. Contoh:
• My name’s (My name is) = Nama saya adalah
• They’re (They are) = Mereka adalah atau Mereka sedang
• I’d (I would) = Saya akan
Penutur asli menggunakan singkatan setiap saat, membuat kita sulit untuk
memahami apa yang mereka katakan. Menggunakan singkatan akan
membuat Anda lebih tahu, meningkatkan pemahaman Anda serta
menjadikan bahasa Inggris Anda terdengar lebih alami.
Pelafalan /ϖ/ /Τ/ /∆/ /Ζ/
Suara atau bunyi ini pada dasarnya tidak ada dalam
bahasa Indonesia dan mengakibatkan banyak kendala
bagi mereka yang belajar bahasa Inggris. Cobalah untuk
menemukan posisi mulut dan lidah yang benar untuk
melafalkan suara/bunyi tersebut. dan berlatihlah untuk
mengucapkan kata-kata yang mengandung suara atau
bunyi tersebut.